Thursday, 12 August 2021

Monday, 9 August 2021

Friday, 6 August 2021

terrified golf ball

 task desripton the golf ball bob now nos thathe is noting but a champion the end 

Word groups: Steering at the darkness, bracing for the hit, softly rolling, hopping monervously, wanting desperately to succeed

When finished, blog your story with a picture you have drawn in Sumopaint

 Onec  upon time  a big guy name tom he want to play golf ball and the bob and he had something  that no one has when he go into a dark there is the goblen guy send the dark bugs and tom hit bob and bob want so fast he want in the hole and tom bieken bob back up and want to a other hole and that was when goblen straight his dark bugs and bob hiend be hin the stki the end

Friday, 30 July 2021

 task descirpton nouns and verbs nouns is like cookies and they are so yum 

our first olympins

 task descripton the first Olympians they do biking ruining 

Thursday, 29 July 2021

Friday, 23 July 2021

 i am doing maths-whizz i hope i get heaps of progarzin. tanks for coming on this grain 

 hi do you wanna no who this guy is will he is my brother fovert player in the hole NBA thanks for going on a rolakoster and reading my  story    

 hi my name is justin my friend i all awes be bad but but he keeps me out of truble and he makes me play basketball and sent then i never get in trouble an me an my friend allays play basketball.. thanks for reading my story about basketball. my fovert player is this guy..

Thursday, 8 July 2021

task description

it was hard in the first place and i got some help from my friend.  


 I like mataiki because I spend time what my mum and dad.  


 task descripton 

 task descripton 

on monday the hole of room 19 went to toteo and now it is mataiki  

task descripton

the star you have to move the star to get to the defter choler   

the boys bomb

 task descilpton

the boy came to god and he side that can he have a ice cream. 

 takes desciption

i keno that my left and right and this is just like this 

Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Friday, 25 June 2021

Thursday, 17 June 2021

groups of

task description


my  planet will be a half word one of the half 

Will be a good prat and a bad prat the good one will have a good cosat in one of the ortho half

Has a bad cosat and the bad side kidnapping the good kids and trne the good kid into a bad kid 

The good side found that the bad side so they wanted to tell them do not take my slodi so they all got in to war and the good side will have good soldi to fight and give it What they have and the bad side will have cheaters and will not fight papel  and the good side will do.

egghed character diary

Thursday, 10 June 2021

measuring a rola

 we all are measuring the things that we can no some things


 Last  week me and my brothers not all my brothers are in togan boys  we had to pick up the stick and go to the back.  

First I came to school and I did not know how to put on my clothes. My friend's brother knows how to put on my coles. He did It for me and me and his brother is in the same fia fia group.

Me And my  friends are all in togan boys we are second to last to go up and dance, we all were scared. I was in the first row and i dance.

I  saw my mum and dad, they saw my brother and me. My brother is in the Cook island group.      



 the wolf is not going to eat the shrimps and carbs  

Tuesday, 25 May 2021

the moon

task description
the is not made out of cheese.
the moon is made out of rooks  and metal.


Monday, 24 May 2021

Thursday, 13 May 2021

Wednesday, 12 May 2021

The Sun

 Task Description: We all drew a sun  and  one of the teacher help my friend  I saw ware he did  and I copied.  

Friday, 9 April 2021

paart of speech

we are doing noun and pronoun if you do not no what is a noun it is a  word that brnose a word but you have to bek that eon word .

Monday, 29 March 2021

Friday, 19 March 2021


i wes so nvaes

at faets

Quick write

my dragon is the best he is so good.

My dragon hes sebke tebs on hes baek  when  he get med he sebt  rinbowr. We always go for walls some taems he just sat thre and dot do aedneteai onlse i taell hem to coem.  Me and jaycob gos to play some tames.

Wednesday, 17 March 2021

bonds to 10

we had to take a photos of seat


the carets are so good at akedin so the boy  waeeat to try soem more spaghetti

a small world

a small insed had to go to seelp to neit and toboonb dowen in a guwe ball and the name of the animates is a catebala

Friday, 12 March 2021